Secure Gateway

Secure Gateway

Reference > Connections > Terminal (Rebex) >


The Secure Gateway page allows you to configure a Secure Gateway object for supported connections or choose to use a Secure Gateway configuration from the parent folder.


Secure Gateway

Use Secure Gateway from the parent folder

If checked, Royal TS will look for a configured Secure Gateway in the parent folder. This option is not available on the document level.


Gateway Usage:

Never: the Secure Gateway is never used and Royal TS will directly connect to the remote computer.
Always: the Secure Gateway is always used and Royal TS will tunnel all communication to the remote computer through the gateway.


Direct Connect (No Secure Gateway)

This is the default value. If selected, no Secure Gateway is used and Royal TS will directly connect to the remote computer.


Specify a Secure Gateway object

The selected Secure Gateway object is used for supported connections.


A Secure Gateway is a component included in Royal Server and can be used to connect through an SSH tunnel (port forwarding).


See also: Introducing Royal Server