

Reference > Connections > Terminal (PuTTY) >


The Logging page allows you to configure session logging. Log files can be viewed using the Dashboard.


General Logging Options

Session Logging
Choose which type of information should be logged during a session.


Omit Known Password Fields

If checked, the content of known password fields is not logged. Applies only to SSH packet logging.


Omit Session Data
If checked, no session data is logged. Applies only to SSH packet logging.


Log File Options

Log File Name
The log file name can contain &Y, &M, &D for date, &T for time, and &H for host name. If you leave the log file name blank, Royal TS will generate a file name based on the connection name and the time stamp.



Specify a path where all the log files are saved. Each log file will be named automatically based on the connection name and the time stamp.


Open in Explorer

Click to open the specified folder in the Windows Explorer.


Create Sub-Directory with Connection Name

If checked, Royal TS will create a directory with the connection name and write the recording files into it.


Log File Options

Configure what to do if the log file already exists.


Flush Log File Frequently

If checked, PuTTY will flush data as soon as it is displayed, so that if you view the log file while a session is still open, it will be up to date; and if the client system crashes, there's a greater chance that the data will be preserved. If PuTTY is running slowly with logging enabled, you could try unchecking this option.