

Reference > Connections > Terminal (PuTTY) >


The Advanced page allows you to configure advanced Terminal settings.




Select one of the supported encoding settings.


^E Response

Configure how PuTTY should answer back to the ^E sequence.


Local Echo

Specify the local echo discipline.


Local Line Editing

Specify the line editing discipline.


Auto Wrap

Specify whether or not to turn on auto wrap mode for the connection.


DEC Origin Mode

Specify whether or not to turn on DEC origin mode for the connection.


Implicit CR in LF

If checked, the PuTTY connection implies a carriage return in every received linefeed.


Implicit LF in CR

If checked, the PuTTY connection implies a linefeed in every received carriage return.


Force Non-Destructive Backspace

If checked, PuTTY will treat incoming destructive backspace characters (7F) as non-destructive backspace characters (08).


Terminal Speeds

Set the speeds for the data connection.



Select a printer to select ANSI printer output for remote-controlled printing.



Bell Action

Action to happen when a bell occurs.


Sound File

Specify a custom sound file (.wav file) to play as a bell.


Taskbar Indicator

Taskbar caption indicator on bell.


Bell Overload (Temporary)

Temporarily disable bell when over-used.


Number of Bells

Specify the number of bells threshold used to determine bell over-use.


Bell Overload Timespan

Specify the number of seconds for the over-use threshold.


Seconds of Silence

Specify the number of seconds silence is needed to re-enable the bell after it was temporarily disabled.



Remote Window Title Query

PuTTY can optionally provide the xterm service of allowing server applications to find out the local window title. This feature is disabled by default, but you can turn it on if you really want it.


Disable Remote-Controlled Terminal Resizing

If checked, PuTTY will not respond to server commands which may cause terminal resizing.


Disable Remote-Controlled Window Title Change

If checked, PuTTY will ignore server commands which would update the window title.


Disable Remote-Controlled Character Set Configuration

PuTTY has the ability to change its character set configuration in response to commands from the server. If checked, PuTTY will ignore those server commands.


Disable Switching to Alternate Terminal Screen

Many terminals, including PuTTY, support an ‘alternate screen’. If checked, the alternate screen is disabled.


Disable Arabic Text Shaping

If checked, Arabic text shaping is disabled.


Disable Bidirectional Text Display

If checked, bidirectional text display is disabled.



Logical Name for Remote Host

Enter the logical name for the remote host for SSH key lookup or similar.


Internet Protocol Version

Choose which IP version PuTTY should use.


Keep Alive Interval (sec.)

Interval between sending of null packets to keep the session active. Set to 0 to turn keepalive off.


Disable Nagle's Algorithm (TCP_NODELAY Option)

The Nagle algorithm is disabled by default for interactive connections.


Enable TCP Keepalives (SO_KEEPALIVE Option)

TCP keepalives may be more useful for ensuring that half-open connections are terminated than for keeping a connection alive. TCP keepalives are disabled by default.



Line drawing handling

Configure how PuTTY should handle line drawing.


Treal CJIK Ambiguous Characters as Wide

If checked, PUTTY will treat CJIK ambiguous characters as wide.


Caps Lock acts as Cyrillic Switch

If checked, PuTTY will treat the Caps Lock key to switch to and back from Cyrillic.


Copy and Paste Line Drawing Characters as lqqqk

If checked, PuTTY will use lqqqk characters in clipboard operations.



The Environment tab can be used to set specific variables and values for the connection.