Display Options

Display Options

Reference > Connections > Performance View >


The Display Options page allows you to configure captions and appearance settings.


Chart Title and Marker

Scroll Mode

If set to wrap the chart will be drawn the same way as in "Performance Monitor". If set to scroll, the chart will be drawn the same way as in the "Task Manager".


Chart Title

You may optionally set a title/header for the chart. Leave the chart title field empty if you do not want to show a title.


Vertical Axis Caption

You may optionally set a caption for the vertical axis. Leave the vertical axis caption field empty if you do not want to show a caption at all.


Point Marker Type

The shape used for each measured and displayed data point.


Point Marker Size

Specify the size of the marker.


Gridlines and Scale

Show Time Axis Labels

Whether or not to show the labels on the time axis.


Show Horizontal Grid

Whether or not to show horizontal grid lines.


Show Vertical Grid

Whether or not to show vertical grid lines.


Show Vertical Scale Numbers

Whether or not to show vertical scale numbers.


Automatic Vertical Scale

If checked, scaling for the vertical axis is done automatically based on the measured values.


Min. Vertical Scale

Specify the minimum value of the vertical axis.


Max. Vertical Scale

Specify the maximum value on the vertical axis.