RoyalSSHConnection |
![]() |
The RoyalSSHConnection object represents a Terminal connection object in Royal TS/X.
Category |
Name |
Description |
Type |
Default Value |
Is Secure |
General |
Name |
The display name of the object. |
string |
Empty String |
Description |
The description text of the object. |
string |
Empty String |
The target URI for the connection object (computer name, URL, ...). |
string |
Empty String |
Custom Fields |
CustomField1 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. |
string |
Empty String |
CustomField2 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. |
string |
Empty String |
CustomField3 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. |
string |
Empty String |
CustomField4 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. |
string |
Empty String |
CustomField5 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. |
string |
Empty String |
CustomField6 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. |
string |
Empty String |
CustomField7 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. |
string |
Empty String |
CustomField8 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. |
string |
Empty String |
CustomField9 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. |
string |
Empty String |
CustomField10 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. |
string |
Empty String |
CustomField11 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. The content of this custom field will be stored encrypted in your document. |
string |
Empty String |
✓ |
CustomField12 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. The content of this custom field will be stored encrypted in your document. |
string |
Empty String |
✓ |
CustomField13 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. The content of this custom field will be stored encrypted in your document. |
string |
Empty String |
✓ |
CustomField14 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. The content of this custom field will be stored encrypted in your document. |
string |
Empty String |
✓ |
CustomField15 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. The content of this custom field will be stored encrypted in your document. |
string |
Empty String |
✓ |
CustomField16 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. The content of this custom field will be stored encrypted in your document. |
string |
Empty String |
✓ |
CustomField17 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. The content of this custom field will be stored encrypted in your document. |
string |
Empty String |
✓ |
CustomField18 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. The content of this custom field will be stored encrypted in your document. |
string |
Empty String |
✓ |
CustomField19 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. The content of this custom field will be stored encrypted in your document. |
string |
Empty String |
✓ |
CustomField20 |
Custom fields allow you to collect additional information to the object. The content of this custom field will be stored encrypted in your document. |
string |
Empty String |
✓ |
Advanced |
AutoWrapMode |
0 = Off |
int |
1 |
BackspaceWrapMode |
Specifies the wrap mode for backspace: |
int |
1 |
BellAction |
Bell Action: |
int |
1 |
BellOverload |
If set to true, temporary bell overload is enabled. |
bool |
true |
BellOverloadTimespan |
The timespan in seconds for the bell overload setting. |
int |
2 |
CapsLockCyrillicSwitch |
If set to true, caps lock can be used to switch to cyrillic. |
bool |
false |
CopyPasteLineDrawingAslqqqk |
If set to true, Aslqqqk line drawing copy and paste is enabled. |
bool |
false |
DECOriginMode |
If set to true, DEC Origin Mode is used. |
bool |
false |
DisableArabicTextShaping |
If set to true, Arabic text shaping is disabled. |
bool |
false |
DisableBiDirectionalTextDisplay |
If set to true, bi-directional text display is disabled. |
bool |
false |
DisableRemoteControlledCharSetConfig |
If set to true, remote controlled character set configuration change is not allowed. |
bool |
false |
DisableRemoteControlledTermResizing |
If set to true, remote controlled terminal resizing is not allowed. |
bool |
false |
DisableRemoteControlledWindowTitleChange |
If set to true, remote controlled window title change is not allowed. |
bool |
false |
DisableSwitchingToAltScreen |
If set to true, switching to alternate screen is disabled. |
bool |
false |
Encoding |
Specifies the encoding (on Windows) |
string |
Empty String |
EncodingOSX |
Specifies the encoding (on OS X) |
int |
4 |
EResponse |
^E Response (default is PuTTY) |
string |
Fingerprint |
The fingerprint value for the SSH connection. |
string |
Empty String |
ForceNonDestructiveBackspace |
If set to true, non-destructive backspace character is enforced. |
bool |
false |
IgnoreSubstituteChar |
If set to true, substitute characters are ignored. |
bool |
false |
ImplicitCRinLF |
If set to true, implicit carriage return in linefeed is used. |
bool |
false |
ImplicitLFinCR |
If set to true, implicit linefeed in carriage return is used. |
bool |
false |
IPVersion |
IPVersion: |
int |
1 |
KeepAliveInterval |
The keep alive interval in seconds (0 = off). |
int |
0 |
KeepTerminalContentOnDisconnect |
If set to true the terminal content is kept when the session is disconnected remotely. |
bool |
false |
LineDrawingHandling |
LineDrawingHandling: |
int |
4 |
LocalEcho |
If set to true, local echo is used. |
bool |
false |
LogicalNameForRemoteHost |
The logical name for the remote host. |
string |
Empty String |
NumberOfBells |
The number of bells for the bell overload setting. |
int |
5 |
Printer |
Printer (empty for none) |
string |
Empty String |
PuttyLocalEcho |
Putty Local Echo: |
int |
2 |
PuttyLocalLineEditing |
Putty Local Line Editing: |
int |
2 |
RemoteTitleQuery |
Remote Title Query Settings: |
int |
1 |
SecondsOfSilence |
Seconds of silence for the bell overload setting. |
int |
5 |
SetLocaleVariables |
If set to true, locale variables are set automatically. |
bool |
true |
SOKeepAliveOption |
If set to true, the SOKeepAliveOption is enabled. |
bool |
false |
SoundFile |
Sound file for bell action. |
string |
Empty String |
SSHAuthMethod |
SSH Authentication Method: |
int |
-1 |
TaskbarIndicator |
Taskbar indicator: |
int |
0 |
TCPNoDelayOption |
If set to true, the TCPNoDelayOption is enabled. |
bool |
true |
TerminalSpeeds |
Terminal Speeds: Default = 38400,38400 |
string |
38400,38400 |
TerminalType |
0 = Ansi |
int |
0 |
TreatCJIKAsWide |
If set to true, the CJIK is treated as wide. |
bool |
false |
WarnFingerprintMismatch |
If set to true, a warninig is shown when the fingerprint has changed. |
bool |
true |
Changes |
Created |
The date and time the object was created. |
DateTime |
DateTime.Now |
CreatedBy |
The user who initially created the object. |
string |
Empty String |
Modified |
The last date and time the object was modified. |
DateTime |
DateTime.Now |
ModifiedBy |
The user who last modified the object. |
string |
Empty String |
Colors |
AllowTerminalToSpecifyANSIColours |
If set to true, ANSI Colors are allowed to be specified by the terminal. |
bool |
true |
AllowTerminalToUseXterm256ColourMode |
If set to true, xterm 256-color mode is allowed by the terminal. |
bool |
true |
AttemptToUseLogicalPalettes |
If set to true, logical palette will be used if possible. |
bool |
false |
BackColor |
The background color. |
string |
0 |
BackColorOSX |
The background color on OS X. |
string |
BoldColor |
The bold color. |
string |
14 |
BoldColorOSX |
The bold color OS X. |
string |
BoldedTextIsADifferentColour |
If set to true, bold text is shown using a different color. |
bool |
true |
ColorCursorColour |
The cursor color value. |
string |
#00FF00 |
ColorCursorText |
The cursor text color value. |
string |
#000000 |
ColorDefaultBackground |
The default background color value. |
string |
#000000 |
ColorDefaultBoldBackground |
The default background bold color value. |
string |
#555555 |
ColorDefaultBoldForeground |
The default foreground bold color value. |
string |
ColorDefaultForeground |
The default foreground color value. |
string |
ColorScheme |
Which color scheme to use: |
int |
0 |
CursorBlinkingInterval |
The cursor blinking interval in ms. |
int |
500 |
CursorColor |
The cursor color value. |
string |
CursorTextColor |
The cursor text color value. |
string |
#000000 |
CustomPalette0NormalBlack |
The normal black ANSI color value. |
string |
#000000 |
CustomPalette10BrightGreen |
The bright green ANSI color value. |
string |
#55FF55 |
CustomPalette11BrightYellow |
The bright yellow ANSI color value. |
string |
#FFFF55 |
CustomPalette12BrightBlue |
The bright blue ANSI color value. |
string |
#5555FF |
CustomPalette13BrightMagenta |
The bright magenta ANSI color value. |
string |
#FF55FF |
CustomPalette14BrightCyan |
The bright cyan ANSI color value. |
string |
#55FFFF |
CustomPalette15BrightWhite |
The bright white ANSI color value. |
string |
CustomPalette1NormalRed |
The normal red ANSI color value. |
string |
#BB0000 |
CustomPalette2NormalGreen |
The normal green ANSI color value. |
string |
#00BB00 |
CustomPalette3NormalYellow |
The normal yellow ANSI color value. |
string |
#BBBB00 |
CustomPalette4NormalBlue |
The normal blue ANSI color value. |
string |
#0000BB |
CustomPalette5NormalMagenta |
The normal magenta ANSI color value. |
string |
#BB00BB |
CustomPalette6NormalCyan |
The normal cyan ANSI color value. |
string |
#00BBBB |
CustomPalette7NormalWhite |
The normal white ANSI color value. |
string |
CustomPalette8BrightBlack |
The bright black ANSI color value. |
string |
#555555 |
CustomPalette9BrightRed |
The bright red ANSI color value. |
string |
#FF5555 |
DoubleUnderlineColor |
The double underline color. |
string |
9 |
FaintColor |
The faint color. |
string |
8 |
ForeColor |
The foreground color. |
string |
7 |
ForeColorOSX |
The foreground color on OS X. |
string |
ItalicColor |
The italic color. |
string |
11 |
SelectionColor |
The selection color value. |
string |
#555555 |
SelectionTextColor |
The selection text color value. |
string |
SingleUnderlineColor |
The single underline color. |
string |
9 |
SmartCursorColor |
The smart cursor color value. |
bool |
true |
UseBackgroundColourToEraseScreen |
If set to ture, the background color is used to erase the screen. |
bool |
true |
UseSystemColours |
If set to true, system colors are used. |
bool |
false |
Connect Task |
PreConnectTaskConditionAbort |
If set to true, the connection will be closed when the task fails (exit code <> 0). |
bool |
false |
PreConnectTaskConditionFirst |
If set to true, the task will only be executed if it is the first connection in a folder to be connected. |
bool |
false |
PreConnectTaskFromParent |
Use the Connect Task values from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
PreConnectTaskId |
Assign a task object to this object as connect task by specifying the task object's GUID. |
Guid |
Guid.Empty |
PreConnectTaskMode |
0 = Use connect task from parent folder |
int |
1 |
PreConnectTaskName |
Assign a task object to this object as connect task by specifying the task object's name. |
string |
Empty String |
PreConnectTaskWait |
If set to true, the connection will be started after the task finished. |
bool |
false |
Credentials |
CredentialAutologon |
Whether or not to automatically logon to the connection. Connections which do not support automatic logon will ignore this setting. |
bool |
true |
CredentialFromParent |
Use the Credential values from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CredentialId |
Assign a credential object to this object by specifying the credential object's GUID. |
Guid |
Guid.Empty |
CredentialKeyFile |
Assign a key file to the object by specifying the key file's full path. |
string |
Empty String |
CredentialMode |
0 = Do not use any credentials |
int |
0 |
CredentialName |
Assign a credential object to this object by specifying the credential object's name. |
string |
Empty String |
CredentialPassphrase |
Assign a key file passphrase to the object. |
string |
Empty String |
✓ |
CredentialPassword |
Assign a password to the object. |
string |
Empty String |
✓ |
CredentialUsername |
Assign a username to the object. |
string |
Empty String |
Custom Fields |
CustomField10FromParent |
Use the CustomField10 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField11FromParent |
Use the CustomField11 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField12FromParent |
Use the CustomField12 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField13FromParent |
Use the CustomField13 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField14FromParent |
Use the CustomField14 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField15FromParent |
Use the CustomField15 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField16FromParent |
Use the CustomField16 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField17FromParent |
Use the CustomField17 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField18FromParent |
Use the CustomField18 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField19FromParent |
Use the CustomField19 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField1FromParent |
Use the CustomField1 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField20FromParent |
Use the CustomField20 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField2FromParent |
Use the CustomField2 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField3FromParent |
Use the CustomField3 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField4FromParent |
Use the CustomField4 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField5FromParent |
Use the CustomField5 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField6FromParent |
Use the CustomField6 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField7FromParent |
Use the CustomField7 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField8FromParent |
Use the CustomField8 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
CustomField9FromParent |
Use the CustomField9 value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
Dashboard |
DashboardAutoShowFiles |
If set to true, the dashboard will automatically show recordings and log filess. |
bool |
true |
DashboardUseAppSettings |
If set to true, the plugin default settings for the dashboard are used. |
bool |
true |
Disconnect Task |
PostDisconnectTaskConditionLast |
If set to true, the task will only be executed if it is the last active connection in a folder. |
bool |
false |
PostDisconnectTaskFromParent |
Use the Disconnect Task values from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
PostDisconnectTaskId |
Assign a task object to this object as disconnect task by specifying the task object's GUID. |
Guid |
Guid.Empty |
PostDisconnectTaskMode |
0 = Use disconnect task from parent folder |
int |
1 |
PostDisconnectTaskName |
Assign a task object to this object as disconnect task by specifying the task object's name. |
string |
Empty String |
PostDisconnectTaskWait |
If set to true, the connection will be closed after the task finished. |
bool |
false |
Display Options |
AutoAdjustTerminalSize |
If set to true, the terminal size will be adjusted automatically. |
bool |
true |
BlinkCursor |
If set to true, a blinking cursor is shown. |
bool |
false |
BlinkingTextMode |
Specifies how blinking text is rendered: |
int |
0 |
CursorAppearance |
Cursor Appearance: |
int |
0 |
DataReceivedIndicator |
If set to true, an indicator is shown when data was received on an inactive tab. |
bool |
false |
DisplayScrollbar |
If set to true, a scrollbar is displayed. |
bool |
true |
EnableBlinkingText |
If set to true, blinking text is enabled. |
bool |
false |
EnsureWindowIsAlwaysOnTop |
If set to true, the window will be shown always on top. |
bool |
false |
FontDisableStyles |
If set to true, bold and italic styles are disabled. |
bool |
false |
FontIsBold |
If set to true, the font is displayed bold. |
bool |
false |
FullScreenOnAltEnter |
If set to true, full screen will be entered on Alt-Enter. |
bool |
false |
GapBetweenTextAndWindowEdge |
The gap between the text and the window edge. |
int |
1 |
HideMousePointerWhenTypingInWindow |
If set to true, the mouse pointer will be hidden while typing. |
bool |
false |
HorizontalCharSpacingOSX |
Horizontal character spacing on OS X. |
double |
1.0 |
InactivityIndicator |
If set to true, an indicator is shown when no data was received for a period of time. |
bool |
false |
InactivityIndicatorThreshold |
Number of seconds threshold for the inactivity indicator. |
int |
5 |
SeparateWindowAndIconTitles |
If set to true, window and icon titles are separated. |
bool |
true |
SGRMode |
Select graphic rendition1 mode. |
int |
0 |
ShowWindowTitle |
If set to true, the window title ANSI sequence is processed. |
bool |
false |
SunkenEdgeBorder |
If set to true, a sunken edge border is displayed. |
bool |
false |
SystemMenuAppearsOnAltAlone |
If set to true, the system menu is shown on Alt-Alone. |
bool |
false |
SystemMenuAppearsOnAltSpace |
If set to true, the system menu is shown on Alt-Space. |
bool |
false |
TerminalColumns |
Terminal columns. |
int |
80 |
TerminalRows |
Terminal rows. |
int |
24 |
VerticalCharSpacingOSX |
Vertical character spacing on OS X. |
double |
1.0 |
WarnBeforeClosingWindow |
If set to true, a warninig is shown before closing the window. |
bool |
true |
WindowClosesOnAltF4 |
If set to true, the window is closed on Alt-F4. |
bool |
true |
WindowResizeAction |
Window resize action: |
int |
0 |
WindowTitle |
Specify a custom window title. |
string |
Empty String |
Display Options OS X |
BackgroundTransparency |
Specifies the background transparency on OS X. |
double |
0.0 |
FontAntiAliasOSX |
If set to true, the font anti-aliasing is enabled on OS X. |
bool |
true |
FontOSX |
Specifies the font to use on OS X. |
string |
Monaco |
FontSizeOSX |
Specifies the terminal font size on OS X. |
int |
11 |
NonAsciiFontAntiAliasOSX |
If set to true, the non-ascii font anti-aliasing is enabled on OS X. |
bool |
true |
NonAsciiFontOSX |
Specifies the non-ascii font to use on OS X. |
string |
Monaco |
NonAsciiFontSizeOSX |
Specifies the terminal non-ascii font size on OS X. |
int |
11 |
Display Options Windows |
Font |
Specifies the font to use on Windows. |
string |
Courier New |
FontQuality |
Font Quality: |
int |
0 |
FontSize |
Specifies the terminal font size on Windows. |
int |
10 |
General |
Color |
Assign a custom color as hex string to the object (#FF0000 for red). Empty string is the default color value (no custom color assigned). |
string |
Empty String |
ColorFromParent |
Use the Color value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
ConnectionType |
The connection type (like ssh;SSH or telnet;Telnet). |
string |
Empty String |
CustomCommandOSX |
The custom command in case of custom command connection type (for OS X). |
string |
Empty String |
ID |
The unique object identifier (GUID) of the object. |
Guid |
Guid.Empty |
IsConnectionTemplate |
If set to true, the connection object is a template. |
bool |
false |
Input |
AltGrActsAsComposeKey |
If set to true, Alt Gr acts as compose key. |
bool |
false |
BackspaceSequence |
The backspace key sequence: |
int |
1 |
ControlAltIsDifferentFromAltGr |
If set to true, Control-Alt is different from Alt Gr. |
bool |
true |
CursorKeyMode |
The initial cursor key mode: |
int |
0 |
DisableApplicationKeypadMode |
If set to true, application keypad mode is disabled. |
bool |
false |
DisableXtermStyleMouseReporting |
If set to true, xterm style mouse reporting is disabled. |
bool |
false |
DisconnectHistoryLength |
The history length shown after disconect. |
int |
3 |
FunctionKeyMode |
The function key mode: |
int |
0 |
FunctionKeyModePutty |
The function key mode in PuTTY: |
int |
0 |
HistoryMaxLength |
Specifies the max history length (srollback lines). |
int |
1000 |
HistoryUnlimited |
If set to true, the history is unlimited. |
bool |
false |
HomeAndEndKeys |
The home and end key behavior: |
int |
0 |
IgnoreRemoteCursorKeyMode |
If set to true, remote cursor key mode change is ignored. |
bool |
false |
InitialPasteCharDelay |
If set to true, the initial state of character paste delay is enabled. |
bool |
false |
InitialPasteLineDelay |
If set to true, the initial state of line paste delay is enabled. |
bool |
false |
InitialSendKeySequenceToServer |
If set to true, the initial state of the direct send to server for key sequences is enabled. |
bool |
false |
InitialStateOfCharSubstitution |
If set to true, the initial state of character substitution is enabled. |
bool |
true |
InitialStateOfKeyboardScrolling |
If set to true, the initial state of keyboard scrolling is set. |
bool |
false |
InitialStateOfNumericKeypad |
Initial state of numeric keypad: |
int |
0 |
LeftOptionKeyMode |
Left Option key mode: |
int |
0 |
MouseButtonActionType |
Mouse button action type: |
int |
0 |
MousePasteEnabled |
If set to true, clipboard paste using right-click is enabled. |
bool |
true |
NewLineSequence |
The new line sequence |
int |
0 |
PasteCharDelay |
The character paste delay in ms. |
int |
50 |
PasteLineDelay |
The line paste delay in ms. |
int |
500 |
PasteToClipboardInRTFAsWellAsPlainText |
If set to true, paste to clipboard RTF as well as plain text is enabled. |
bool |
false |
PushErasedTextIntoScrollback |
If set to true, erased text is pushed into history (scrollback). |
bool |
true |
ResetScrollbackOnDisplayActivity |
If set to true, scrollback is reset on display activity. |
bool |
true |
ResetScrollbackOnKeypress |
If set to true, scrollback is reset on keypress. |
bool |
false |
RightOptionKeyMode |
Right Option key mode: |
int |
0 |
SelectionMode |
Specifies the function key mode: |
int |
0 |
ShiftOverridesApplicationsUseOfMouse |
If set to true, the Shift key overrides the application's use of mouse. |
bool |
true |
ShowHistoryAfterDisconnect |
If set to true, the history is shown after disconnect. |
bool |
false |
TelnetKeyboardSendsSpecialCommands |
If set to true, telnet keyboard sends special commands. |
bool |
false |
TelnetNegotiationMode |
Telnet negotiation mode: |
int |
0 |
TelnetOldEnvironAmbiguity |
Telnet old environ ambiguity: |
int |
0 |
TelnetReturnKeySendsNewLine |
If set to true, return key in telnet sends new line. |
bool |
true |
TerminalName |
The terminal name. |
string |
xterm |
Key Sequence |
KeySequence |
The key sequence to be executed after the connection was successfully established. |
string |
Empty String |
KeySequenceEnabled |
If set to true, the configured key sequence will be executed after the connection was successfully established. |
bool |
false |
KeySequenceFromParent |
Use the Key Sequence values from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
KeySequenceId |
Assign a key sequence task object to this connection by specifying the task object's GUID. |
Guid |
Guid.Empty |
KeySequenceMode |
0 = Specify a key sequence |
int |
0 |
KeySequenceName |
Assign a key sequence task object to this object by specifying the key sequence task object's name. |
string |
Empty String |
Logging |
EnableLoggingOSX |
If set to true, logging is enabled on OS X. |
bool |
false |
LogDirectoryOSX |
The log directory for OS X. |
string |
Empty String |
LoggingLevel |
SSH logging level. |
int |
0 |
PuttyLogFileAlreadyExistsAction |
PuTTY log file already exists action: |
int |
-1 |
PuttyLogFileFlushFrequently |
If set to true, the log file is flushed frequently. |
bool |
true |
PuttyLogFileName |
The log file name for PuTTY. |
string |
Empty String |
PuttyLogging |
PuTTY logging: |
int |
0 |
PuttyLogSSHOmitPasswordFields |
If set to true, known password fields are omitted (only if SSH packet logging is selected). |
bool |
true |
PuttyLogSSHOmitSessionData |
If set to true, session data is omitted (only if SSH packet logging is selected). |
bool |
false |
RecordAlwaysPrompt |
If set to true, the user is always prompted to specify or confirm the output path. |
bool |
false |
RecordCreateSubDir |
If set to true, a sub directory with the connection name is created for the recording. |
bool |
false |
RecorderOutputPath |
Specifies the output path for the recorder. |
string |
Empty String |
RecordStartOnConnect |
Starts recording automatically when connected |
bool |
false |
Notes |
NotesFromParent |
Use the Notes value from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
Plugin for OS X |
PlugInOSX |
The plug in ID used for this connection for OS X. |
string |
Empty String |
UseGlobalPlugInOSX |
If set to true, the connection will use the application default plug in for the connection type on OS X. |
bool |
true |
Plugin for Windows |
PlugInWin |
The plug in ID used for this connection for Windows. |
string |
Empty String |
UseGlobalPlugInWin |
If set to true, the connection will use the application default plug in for the connection type on Windows. |
bool |
true |
Private Key |
Passphrase |
Specifies the private key passphrase. |
string |
Empty String |
✓ |
PrivateKeyPath |
Specifies the path to the private key file. |
string |
Empty String |
Proxy Settings |
ProxyConsiderProxyingLocalHostConnections |
If set to true, local host connections are considered to proxy. |
bool |
false |
ProxyCredentialID |
Assign a credential object as proxy server credential by specifying the credential object's GUID. |
Guid |
Guid.Empty |
ProxyCredentialMode |
0 = Do not use any credentials |
int |
0 |
ProxyCredentialName |
Assign a credential object as proxy server credential by specifying the credential object's name. |
string |
Empty String |
ProxyDoDNSLookupAtProxyEnd |
0 = No |
int |
1 |
ProxyExcludedHosts |
Specifies the hosts/IP addresses to exclude from being proxied. |
string |
Empty String |
ProxyMode |
Specifies the proxy mode for the SSH connection: |
int |
0 |
ProxyModePutty |
Specifies the proxy mode for PuTTY based connections: |
int |
0 |
ProxyPassword |
The password for the proxy server. |
string |
Empty String |
✓ |
ProxyPort |
Specifies the proxy port for this connection. Default value is 3128. |
int |
3128 |
ProxyServer |
Specifies the proxy server for the connection. |
string |
Empty String |
ProxyTelnetOrLocalProxyCommand |
Proxy telnet or local proxy command. |
string |
Empty String |
ProxyUserName |
The username for the proxy server. |
string |
Empty String |
Royal Server |
ManagementEndpointFromParent |
Use the Royal Server values from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
ManagementEndpointID |
Assign a Royal Server object to this object by specifying the Royal Server object's GUID. |
Guid |
Guid.Empty |
ManagementEndpointName |
Assign a Royal Server object to this object by specifying the Royal Server object's name. |
string |
Empty String |
Secure Gateway |
SecureGatewayFromParent |
Use the Secure Gateway values from the parent folder. |
bool |
false |
SecureGatewayID |
Assign a Secure Gateway or Royal Server object to this object by specifying the Secure Gateway or Royal Server object's GUID. |
Guid |
Guid.Empty |
SecureGatewayName |
Assign a Secure Gateway or Royal Server object to this object by specifying the secure gateway or Royal Server object's name. |
string |
Empty String |
SecureGatewayUsageMode |
0 = Never |
int |
0 |
Serial Port |
BaudRate |
Baud rate for serial port connection. Exception is thrown when the device doesn't support the baud rate. Default is 9600. |
int |
9600 |
DataBits |
The standard length of data bits per byte. (The range of values for this property is from 5 through 8). Default is 8. |
int |
8 |
Handshake |
Specifies the control protocol used in establishing a serial port communication. |
int |
0 |
NewLine |
The value used to interpret the end of a call. Default = \n |
string |
\n |
Parity |
Specifies the parity bit for the serial port communication. |
int |
0 |
PortName |
The communications port. Default is COM1. |
string |
COM1 |
ReadTimeout |
The number of milliseconds before a time-out occurs when a read operation does not finish. Default value = 15000. Min. Value = 500. |
int |
15000 |
StopBits |
Specifies the number of stop bits used for the serial port communication. 0 = None, 1 = One stop bit is used, 2 = Two stop bits are used, 3 = 1.5 stop bits are used. |
int |
1 |
WriteTimeout |
The number of milliseconds before a time-out occurs when a write operation does not finish. Default value = 15000. Min. Value = 500. |
int |
15000 |
SSH Settings |
SSHAdditionalOptions |
Additional SSH options. |
string |
Empty String |
SSHAllowAgentForwarding |
If set to true, agent forwarding is allowed. |
bool |
false |
SSHAllowAttemptedChangesOfUsername |
If set to true, change of username in SSH-2 is allowed. |
bool |
false |
SSHAllowGSSAPICredentialDelegation |
If set to true, GSSAPI credential delegation is attempted. |
bool |
false |
SSHAttemptAuthenticationUsingPageant |
If set to true, Pageant is used to authenticate. |
bool |
true |
SSHAttemptGSSAPIAuthentication |
If set to true, GSSAPI authentication (SSH-2) is attempted. |
bool |
true |
SSHAttemptKeyboardInteractiveAuthentication |
If set to true, keyboard-interactive authentication (SSH-2) is attempted. |
bool |
true |
SSHAttemptTISOrCryptoCardAuthentication |
If set to true, TIS or CryptoCard authentication (SSH-1) is attempted. |
bool |
false |
SSHBugChokesOnSSH1IgnoreMessages |
0 = Auto |
int |
0 |
SSHBugChokesOnSSH1RSAAuthentication |
0 = Auto |
int |
0 |
SSHBugChokesOnSSH2IgnoreMessages |
0 = Auto |
int |
0 |
SSHBugHandlesSSH2KeyReExchangeBadly |
0 = Auto |
int |
0 |
SSHBugIgnoresSSH2MaximumPacketSize |
0 = Auto |
int |
0 |
SSHBugMiscomputesSSH2EncryptionKeys |
0 = Auto |
int |
0 |
SSHBugMiscomputesSSH2HMACKeys |
0 = Auto |
int |
0 |
SSHBugMisusesTheSessionIDInSSH2PKAuth |
0 = Auto |
int |
0 |
SSHBugRefusesAllSSH1PasswordCamouflage |
0 = Auto |
int |
0 |
SSHBugRequiresPaddingOnSSH2RSASignatures |
0 = Auto |
int |
0 |
SSHBypassAuthentication |
If set to true, authentication is bypassed entirely (SSH-2). |
bool |
false |
SSHDisplayPreAuthenticationBanner |
If set to true, pre-authentication banner is displayed (SSH-2). |
bool |
true |
SSHDontAllocateAPseudoTerminal |
If set to true, no pseudo terminal is allocated. |
bool |
false |
SSHDontStartShellOrCommand |
If set to true, no shell or command is started. |
bool |
false |
SSHEnableCompression |
If set to true, compression is enabled. |
bool |
false |
SSHEnableLegazySingleDESForSSH2 |
If set to true, legacy use of Single-DES in SSH-2 is enabled. |
bool |
false |
SSHEnableX11Forwarding |
If set to true, X11 forwarding is enabled. |
bool |
false |
SSHEncryptionCipherSelectionPolicy |
Encryption cipher policy. |
string |
aes,blowfish,3des,WARN,arcfour,des |
SSHGSSAPILibraryOrder |
GSSAPI library order. |
string |
gssapi32,sspi,custom |
SSHKeyExchangeAlgorithmSelectionPolicy |
Key exchange algorithm policy. |
string |
dh-gex-sha1,dh-group14-sha1,dh-group1-sha1,rsa,WARN |
SSHMaxDataBeforeRekey |
Max data before re-key. |
string |
1G |
SSHMaxMinutesBeforeRekey |
Max minutes before re-key. |
int |
60 |
SSHProtocolVersion |
0 = Version1Only |
int |
2 |
SSHRemoteCommand |
SSH remote command to execute after connect. |
string |
Empty String |
SSHTerminalModesToSend |
Terminal Modes |
string |
SSHUserSuppliedGSSAPILibraryPath |
User-supplied GSSAPI library |
string |
Empty String |
SSHX11AuthenticationProtocol |
SSHX11AuthenticationProtocol: |
int |
1 |
SSHX11AuthorityFileForLocalDisplay |
X auth file for local displa. |
string |
Empty String |
SSHXDisplayLocation |
X Display location. |
string |
Empty String |
Tunnels |
SSHLocalPortsAcceptConnectionsFromOtherHosts |
If set to true, local ports accept connections from other hosts. |
bool |
false |
SSHRemotePortsAcceptConnectionsFromOtherHosts |
If set to true, remote ports accept connections from other hosts. |
bool |
false |
Window Mode |
DisplayMode |
0 = Embedded (Tabbed) |
int |
0 |
ExternalHeight |
Specifies the last known height of the external window. |
int |
0 |
ExternalLeft |
Specifies the last known position (left) of the external window. |
int |
0 |
ExternalPositionMode |
0 = Remember position |
int |
0 |
ExternalScreen |
Specifies on which Screen the External Window will be shown (Windows). |
int |
0 |
ExternalScreenMode |
0 = Remember Screen |
int |
0 |
ExternalScreenOSX |
Specifies on which Screen the External Window will be shown (OS X). |
int |
0 |
ExternalSizeMode |
0 = Remember Size |
int |
0 |
ExternalTop |
Specifies the last known position (top) of the external window. |
int |
0 |
ExternalWidth |
Specifies the last known width of the external window. |
int |
0 |
FixedSize |
Specifies whether or not the control or form should be expanded automatically to fill the container or maximized form |
bool |
false |
MinimizeMainWindow |
If set to true, the main window will be minimized after the connection was established. |
bool |
false |