Key Sequence

Key Sequence

Reference > Tasks > Key Sequence Task >


The Key Sequence page allows you to configure a key sequence (simulating keyboard input).


Key Sequence Properties


Enter a Key Sequence.



Pressing either the '$' or '{' key will show a popup with all available replacement tokens and special keys. Hit the ESC key to hide the popup and continue typing.


Use the button Insert to show a list of available replacement tokens and special key commands. The WAIT command token can be placed anywhere in the sequence to delay the sequence.


Examples for Key Sequences:

  • A group policy is set to show a message whenever a user is attempting to log on interactively. Create a Key Sequence "{WAIT:1000}{ENTER}" which will wait 1 second (1000ms) after successfully connected to the remote desktop session and sends the ENTER key to the remote session to confirm the message.
  • A Web Page connection to a flash based application which requires you to log on using username and password can be configured to send the appropriate Key Sequence after the connection has been established.
  • Console commands you need to execute on one or more connections.